Brexit and the Property Market


The EU referendum is fast approaching with the vote due to take place on 23rd June 2016. Julien Pritchard considers what potential effect the vote will have on the property market.
 Unless you do actually live in a cave it is reasonably hard to avoid this topic at present with many arguments being put forward by both the remain and leave camps.

Before we get started please let me state categorically that this article is not a statement either in support or against the “Brexit”. I am afraid you will have to form your own opinions on that particular issue. However, I am willing to consider the potential effect of the vote on the property market.

The simple fact is that the property market in the UK likes one thing and that is stability. The reality is that whether we as a nation vote to remain or leave we are in a period of instability. Many large organisations have considered this issue in great detail. For example, a KPMG poll of 25 global real estate investors with assets under management of over $400bn has revealed that two thirds believe a Brexit would result in less inward investment into UK property and property companies.

The estate agency Savills has warned that the UK residential and commercial investment markets are “subdued”. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors has voiced a similar opinion stating that the current vote could result in “a degree of uncertainty for buyers that may negatively affect some elements of the market”.

It is recognised that general elections tend to paralyse house sales and recent research from Hamptons International and Jefferies demonstrated that property transactions tend to slow ahead of a general election. There is no reason not to think that a vote on an issue as large as Brexit will have similar effect.

Whatever the outcome of the referendum we are entering a period of uncertainty and that cannot be good for the property market. If we do leave then that period of uncertainty may be extended, however, only time will ultimately tell what the long term implications are and whether any potential short term loss is offset by a future gain.

More information

The Commercial Property Team at Pinney Talfourd Solicitors in Essex can assist with all aspects of commercial property work including refinance, sales, purchases, lettings and licences for alteration, assignment etc. If you have any queries relating to a commercial property please contact any member of my team on 01708 229 444 and we will be happy to help. Alternatively, click here to find out more about our services

This article was written by Julien Pritchard, Head of the Commercial Property Department at Pinney Talfourd Solicitors. The contents of this article are for the purposes of general awareness only. They do not purport to constitute legal or professional advice. Specific legal advice should be taken on each individual matter.


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