Changing Gender and Name

Changing Gender and Name: Legal Considerations for Parents


The right to name a child is a fundamental aspect of parenthood. Upon the birth of a child, parents are bestowed with the privilege of selecting their child’s forename and surname, alongside any chosen middle names. Names play a vital role in our identity and serve as a means of communication, making them a deeply personal and significant aspect of our lives.

For parents of transgender or non-binary children, the issue of a child’s name can be particularly sensitive. Children who identify as transgender or non-binary may feel that their given name does not align with their true identity, prompting a desire to change it. However, it’s essential to note that minors do not have the legal autonomy to change their names independently until they reach the age of 18. Consequently, they require the support and consent of their parents or legal guardians to proceed with a name change.

Parents or individuals with parental responsibility—the legal rights and obligations pertaining to a child—are empowered to facilitate a name change for their child, provided all parties with parental responsibility consent to the change. This is typically accomplished through the execution of a Deed Poll or Change of Name Deed. It’s important to understand that without a certificate of gender recognition, alterations to a birth certificate cannot be made.

In situations where one parent approves of the name change and another opposes it, complications may arise. In such cases, an application to the Court may become necessary on behalf of the child. The Court possesses the authority to issue an Order approving the change of the child’s name, encompassing both forename and surname. When rendering a decision, the Court prioritises the child’s best interests, considering various factors such as the child’s wishes and emotions (depending on their age and level of comprehension).

At Pinney Talfourd, our family team are here to offer guidance and support for parents navigating the process of changing their child’s name, including the drafting of Change of Name Deeds. Our services are tailored to ensure that parents are well-informed and equipped to address this important aspect of their child’s identity.

Legal implications and steps for name changes

Navigating the legal intricacies of changing a child’s name involves several crucial considerations. When a child identifies as transgender or non-binary and desires a name change, parents must be aware of the legal framework governing this process.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand the prerequisites for changing a child’s name. As previously mentioned, minors lack the legal capacity to effectuate name changes independently. Therefore, parental consent is paramount. All individuals with parental responsibility must be in agreement for a name change to proceed smoothly. This consensus is typically formalised through a Deed Poll or Change of Name Deed, which serves as the legal instrument effectuating the change.

However, conflicts can arise if not all parties with parental responsibility consent to the name change. In such instances, seeking resolution through the Court may be necessary. The Court will assess the circumstances and make a determination based on the child’s best interests, taking into account factors such as the child’s preferences (to the extent feasible based on their age and understanding), the impact on them of any change (both positive and negative), and how it will impact their understanding of their background/culture.

At Pinney Talfourd, we provide comprehensive guidance and assistance throughout the name change process for children. Our experienced legal professionals can offer tailored advice, draft necessary legal documents, and facilitate communications with relevant authorities to ensure a smooth and efficient transition.

How Pinney Talfourd can help with the process

Our firm specialises in providing legal support related to changing children’s names. We recognise the importance of this process in affirming a child’s identity and ensuring their well-being.

Our services encompass:

Legal Consultation: We offer personalised consultations to parents seeking guidance on the name change process. Our legal experts explain the legal requirements, implications, and steps involved in effectuating a name change for a child.

Document Preparation: We assist parents in preparing the necessary legal documents, such as Change of Name Deeds, required to formalise the name change.

Court Representation: In cases where parental consent is not unanimous, we can provide representation and advocacy in Court proceedings to secure approval for the name change based on the child’s best interests.

Comprehensive Support: We are committed to providing comprehensive support to parents throughout the name change process. Our team is readily available to address any concerns or queries that parents may have, ensuring a smooth and informed transition.

If you are a parent navigating the complexities of changing your child’s name, we are here to assist you. Contact us today on 01708 229 444 to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can support you in this important aspect of affirming your child’s identity.

In conclusion, the process of changing a child’s name is a significant legal undertaking that requires careful consideration and adherence to legal requirements. As parents, it is essential to prioritise your child’s well-being and ensure that their identity is respected and affirmed. Our firm is dedicated to providing the guidance and support needed to navigate this process effectively and ensure a positive outcome for you and your child.

If you are seeking legal advice, please feel free to contact our Family team on 01708 229 444.

The above is meant to be only advice and is correct as of the time of posting. This article was written by Remyhs Baker, Associate in the Family team at Pinney Talfourd LLP Solicitors. The contents of this article are for the purposes of general awareness only. They do not purport to constitute legal or professional advice. Specific legal advice should be taken on each individual matter. This article is based on the law as of April 2024.



Remyhs Baker


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