Charity Danceathon – £5,000 Raised for SNAP!


This weekend saw the biggest charity event so far this year commence at Pinney Talfourd – a 24-hour Danceathon in support of SNAP!

At 12 noon on Saturday 21st October, three of our Family Solicitors – Catherine Loadman, Sue Nash and Lucy Birch – limbered up for the last time before embarking on their mammoth 24-hour challenge, all in support of our Charity of the Year, SNAP (Special Needs and Parents).

A whole host of colleagues, contacts, family members and friends joined forces to spur them on for the first few hours of the dancing challenge, with songs chosen by them and the wider public as part of Pinney’s Playlist Picks.

The Danceathon spilled out onto the streets of Upminster, with many members of the public coming over to donate and pass on words of encouragement to our three dancing divas; some of them even got in on the action and joined in for a boogie!

As the day turned into night and the streets started to empty, the ladies continued their immense task in the boardroom.

At 5am, they brought themselves back downstairs into our main reception to greet the morning crowd with some fantastic singalong songs (and the dance moves to match!) All throughout this time, their efforts were being live-streamed onto our Facebook page, with hundreds of people sending their good wishes and support, as well as donating to this fantastic cause.

Supporters continued to pour through our doors, with yet more colleagues, friends and family members joining the ladies for their last few hours of dancing – by this point, they were all aching and in dire need of sleep, but they kept ploughing through with smiles on their faces and some utterly brilliant dance moves.

22 hours into their challenge, Jess from FitJess Fitness made an appearance and treated the ladies to an hour-long Zumba session – no mean feat!

Finally, at 12 noon on Sunday 22nd October, Sue, Catherine, Lucy and Helen were able to grab some party poppers and celebrate; they had managed to dance for a full 24 hours without any rest breaks. Their entire accomplishment was streamed live online, with an outpour of congratulatory comments coming from across the globe as well as lots of hugs and cheers from their supporters in the flesh!

The ladies managed to raise an INCREDIBLE £5,000 for SNAP – more than triple their target of £1,500!

There is still time to donate – just visit our JustGiving page.

Thank you so much to everybody that donated online, via text and of course in person as you were walking past our offices during the Danceathon. We are also honoured that a number of our contacts took the opportunity of a corporate sponsorship package with ourselves to contribute to this amazing challenge, including:

Thanks also goes to Haus of Glamour and KI Sound and Light for supplying some fantastic disco lighting, FitJess Fitness for the energetic Zumba session, Arun Bansal for his amazing DJ skills and The Station Pantry in Upminster for our wonderful bacon rolls at 10:30am on Sunday!

It was an incredible event and the amount raised for SNAP makes it all worth the aching limbs that the ladies are surely experiencing!


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