London Legal Walk

Pinney Talfourd Lawyers to take part in the London Legal Walk


This evening, 11 members of our team will join the Lord Chief Justice and thousands of lawyers in a 10-kilometre walk to raise funds for the London Legal Support Trust. The walk will commence at Chancery Lane, passing notable London landmarks such as Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and Hyde Park. This year marks the event’s 20th anniversary.

London Legal Support Trust

In the UK, two-thirds of the population are unaware of how to access legal advice, and with the rising cost of living, many people in the UK simply cannot afford it. Timely and effective legal advice can significantly improve individuals’ lives, reducing their risk of debt, poverty, homelessness, exploitation, and discrimination.

The London Legal Walk is the largest fundraising event supporting free legal advice and services. These services range from Law Centres and Citizens Advice services to specialised refugee support services in London and the Southeast, all of which play a crucial role in transforming lives.

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Your contributions are greatly appreciated and will make a substantial impact on those in need.

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