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Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is a crime and violation of a person’s fundamental human rights. It can take various forms including slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour or human trafficking. All are a means of depriving a person of their liberty for personal or commercial gain.

This statement details the steps that Pinney Talfourd has taken, and continues to take, in order to understand and minimise the potential risk of modern slavery in its business and supply chains.

This statement is published in line with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our commitment to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015:

  1. Pinney Talfourd is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking.
  2. We are an equal opportunities employer who is committed to creating and ensuring a non-discriminatory and respectful working environment for our staff. We want all of our staff to feel confident that they can expose wrongdoing without any risk to themselves.
  3. Our recruitment and people management processes are designed to ensure that all prospective employees are legally entitled to work in the UK and to safeguard employees from any abuse or coercion.
  4. We do not enter into business with any organisation, in the UK or abroad, which knowingly supports or is found to be involved in slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour.

Due to the nature of our business, we have assessed ourselves to have a low risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chains. Our supply chains are limited to a small number of organisations and these are vetted by us.

The following policies are available to all staff on the Pinney Talfourd internal intranet “PT Hub”:

  • Flexible Working Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Recruitment Policy
  • Exit Procedure
  • Performance Management Policy
  • Time off for dependents Policy
  • Disciplinary Policy
  • Grievance Procedure

We will continue to embed the principles through:

  • Continuing to embed a zero tolerance policy towards modern slavery.

This statement has been approved by Philip Cockram, Managing Partner for the financial year ending 30 April 2022. This statement will be reviewed and updated every year.

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