
Pinney Walkers to take part in the London Legal Walk


On the 28 June, 14 members of our team will be walking 10k with the Lord Chief Justice and thousands of lawyers to raise funds for the London Legal Support Trust. The London Legal Walk is the biggest fundraising event in aid of free legal advice and support for everything from Law Centres and Citizens Advice services to refugee specialist support services. The event supports over 100 legal advice agencies in London and the South East, all of which do a fantastic job in changing people’s lives.

London Legal Support Trust

Two-thirds of the UK population don’t know how to get legal advice and 14 million people who live in poverty can’t afford to pay for it. The London Legal Walk raises vital funds to ensure that legal help reaches our communities’ most vulnerable people. Receiving good legal advice at the right time can make a huge difference to people’s lives reducing their chances of facing debt, poverty, homelessness, exploitation and discrimination.

Remyhs Baker, Family Team Associate comments:

“Next Tuesday we will proudly be taking part in the 10k London Legal Walk, raising money to support London Legal Support Trust. With the cost-of-living crisis and threats to cut free legal assistance looming over us, it is more important than ever that we support these vital free legal advice services.”

Donate now

Your support is needed now more than ever with the long-term challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Reduced funding in the charity sector means advice agencies are under more pressure than ever before whilst facing unprecedented need.

Anything you can give will be gratefully received and will go along way to helping those in need.

Click here to visit the JustGiving page.


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