We provide a wide range of legal services to individuals through our specialist teams of solicitors across our offices.
We provide a wide range of legal services to individuals through our specialist teams of solicitors across our offices.
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We provide a wide range of legal services to businesses through our specialist teams of solicitors across our offices.
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"Kim Mansfield represented me with such excellence."
Kim has expertise in:
Kim represented a mother who wanted to relocate to the USA. The parties were not married but the father had Parental Responsibility. The matter went to a full contested hearing and the court agreed mother could remove the child from the jurisdiction with conditions that contact took place face to face twice a year in either UK or the USA.
Kim represented an American father when their Polish mother made an application to remove the children from the jurisdiction which the Court refused.
Kim represented a father in an application for Parental Responsibility for his baby daughter who was six months old. The mother could not cope with the baby and after several visits to the hospital, the father made an urgent application to the court for a Live With Order. Due to the baby’s injuries and lack of assistance from social services, the court granted an interim live with order to the father and supervised contact with mother.
Kim has represented a woman in a serious domestic abuse case where a controlling husband breached a Non-Molestation order which was put in place to protect both the wife and two children. Following repeated breaches from the husband, an application to commit to prison was successfully made. Divorce proceedings were issued and finalised and the wife managed to retain the family home.
Kim Mansfield represented me with such excellence.
Ms. C, Essex
Very helpful.
Anonymous Client