Tactics for Settlement

Commercial Litigation: Tactics for Settlement


Commercial litigation can be a complex and costly affair. At Pinney Talfourd LLP, we understand the importance of resolving disputes efficiently and effectively. Settling a commercial dispute out of court often presents a more pragmatic and cost-effective solution than pursuing lengthy litigation. Here, we outline key tactics to consider for successful settlement in commercial litigation.

Early Case Assessment

Conducting an early case assessment is crucial. This involves a thorough analysis of the facts, legal issues, and potential outcomes of the case. Early assessment includes: –

  • Evaluating the costs associated with litigation versus settlement – if the legal costs associated with court proceedings could outweigh the sum being claimed, it may be prudent to settle early.
  • Considering the extent of both your and their opponent’s resources – it is almost certainly better to settle early than incur significant legal costs if your opponent is unable to pay any sums awarded by the court or any of your legal fees.
  • The amount at stake – a costs/benefit analysis should be carried out early on and kept under continual review.
  • Assessing time – will litigation put a strain on your time or the time of other key members of your business.
  • The merits of the case – from the outset, it is vital to consider the strength and weaknesses of the case.
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the evidence on both sides – to what extent is the evidence coherent, complete and consistent with the case advanced.
  • Publicity – some clients are concerned about the publicity associated with going to trial and therefore an early settlement is a priority.
  • Other commercial considerations – is there a commercial reason to settle the case quickly? Does the dispute cause regular losses?

Establish Clear Objectives

Defining clear objectives at the beginning is essential. What is the best possible outcome for your business? Is it to maintain a business relationship, minimise financial loss, or simply to resolve the dispute quickly? Having a clear understanding of your goals will guide the negotiation strategy and help in making informed decisions.

Having decided on the objectives of litigation, how will that best be achieved.

Engage in Pre-Litigation Negotiations and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Before commencing formal litigation, consider engaging in pre-litigation negotiations. Direct communication between parties can sometimes resolve disputes without the need for court intervention. This approach can save time and expense associated with litigation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution methods, such as mediation, can be effective in settling disputes. Mediation, for instance, involves a neutral third party who helps facilitate a resolution. This method is typically faster and less expensive than traditional litigation. It can even be used before litigation has started.

Consider Offers to Settle

For both Claimant and Defendant, there are a number of ways of presenting an offer and the effects of each can apply pressure.  For example, a well-judged CPR Part 36 offer at the right time can encourage an opposing party to settle the dispute quickly without the need for a trial. Therefore, such offers can save a significant amount of time and costs. These offers have specific rules and consequences which can lead to cost consequences against the opposing party.

Develop a Strong Negotiation Strategy

Effective negotiation requires preparation and a clear strategy. Consider the following:

  • Apply pressure: Identify what pressure can be put on the opposing party and how it can be used to your advantage.
  • Concessions: Determine in advance what concessions you are willing to make.
  • Alternatives (to a Negotiated Agreement): Understand your best alternatives if a settlement cannot be reached.
  • Communication: Maintain clear and professional communication but be forceful in putting over the relevant points.

Continual Review

Settlement tactics should be continually reviewed and adapted as the case progresses. New information or changes in circumstances can impact on the settlement strategy. Staying flexible and responsive to these changes can enhance the likelihood of a favourable settlement.

How Pinney Talfourd can help

At Pinney Talfourd LLP, we consider carefully strategic and well-informed approaches to settling commercial disputes. By employing these tactics, businesses can often achieve resolutions that are more efficient and cost-effective than prolonged litigation.

If you are facing a commercial dispute, our experienced team is here to guide you through the settlement process and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

The above is meant to be only advice and is correct as of the time of posting. This article was written by Nick Hatchett, Partner and Emma Hardie, CILEX Lawyer in the Commercial Litigation Team at Pinney Talfourd LLP Solicitors. The contents of this article are for the purposes of general awareness only. They do not purport to constitute legal or professional advice. Specific legal advice should be taken on each individual matter. This article is based on the law as of July 2024.



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